With a reputation for excellence, Measurement Inc. calibrates all meters at wellsites including:
- Mobile Bench™ Proving {Low volume liquid meters}
- Field Meter Proving {Higher volume/pressure liquid meters}
- We complete 14 checks before proving meters, to ensure accurate measurement
- Flare Meter Calibrations including Thermo Mass Meters
- Zedi Calibrations with detailed calibration reports
With qualified field technicians Measurement Inc. looks forward to serving you at wellsites across central Alberta.

Micro Motion Rentals
Portable Coriols mounted on a hand cart or by itself as needed. Measures Density, Temperature Mass and Volume with high accuracy. Temporary Solution or Permanent Solutions.

Meter Calibration Frequencies
AER has reduced the frequencies for several types of Calibrations. Here is a link to a pdf “Calibration Frequency Cheat Sheet” Many found helpful.
Meter Flow Rates

Every meter has Minimum and Maximum flow rates. Here is a link to a pdf “Meter Flow Rate Cheat Sheet” Many found helpful.

Gas EFM Calibrations
When we do a EFM Calibration or verification, our trained staff follow all manufacturer’s recommended procedures. We the calibration and verification requirements in AER Directive 017 are followed.
We also verify not only the EFM itself, but check the orifice run and inspect the orifice plate and changer if possible. We have found damaged orifice seals, and nicked plates which affect accuracy. For example we found a large error caused by an orifice plate with the wrong size stamped on it which was in service for several years. This was found by routinely checking orifice plate sizes with calipers.

Field Meter Proving
Field Meter Proving
A Field Meter Prove is used when liquid volumes through a meter are over 2M3 per day.
- Micro Motion Elite Coriolis Master Meter Provers are used for in-line production proving as well as truck load meters.
- High pressure tank type provers are used as needed in field proving applications.
- This range of equipment allows us to accurately prove meters and observe the changes to the liquid such as gas entrainment, 2 phase flow in liquid meters, or density changes during the prove. Problems with the operation that affect measurement, which the customer may not be aware of, are often found. For example gas through the liquid meter at end of dump cycle is easily detected using our procedure. The extra information helps to get accurate numbers for you.
- Our units carry and inventory of parts and repair kits to fix most problems with one site visit

”Mobile Bench ™ Proving”
Mobile Bench™ Proving- Using a Mobile Bench™ prover, we are able to calibrate low production oil and condensate meters (under 2 m³/day) onsite, offering a quick, efficient quality service.
When we bench prove a meter, there are several checks we perform before and after the prove to ensure it is as safe and accurate as possible.
· We first check that the separator, level controller, meter and dump valve operate correctly, and document this. Meter make, type, size and serial number is checked. We check manufacturer’s recommended flow rate range, then Record dump cycle flow rate. We ensure meter flow rate is in accurate range. We check previous tag data and record it. We then verify that the totalizer was correctly programmed. The dump valve is leak tested, and the ‘y’ strainer cleaned as required. Upstream and downstream pressures are recorded.
· After this we isolate and depressurize meter. Remove meter. Teardown, inspect and repair meter as required. Bench Calibrate meter with water/alcohol mix on mobile bench prover , simulating the actual flow conditions that the meter was just at.
· Reinstall meter. Return meter to service. “k” Factor is entered in totalizer as required. We then Record ‘As Left’ dump cycle flow rate to ensure correct operation.
Benefits of a Mobile Bench(™) prove.
- If we were to do a shop prove, most of the before and after checks would not be completed, and the chance for errors greatly increased. For example, we found a totalizer that was programmed incorrectly (by a factor of 10) when it was installed with the Zedi. The reading shown was 362.43M3. The correct volume should have been 36.243M3. The company was paid for an extra 326 M3 of condensate. This error costs ? A shop prove would probably not find this error, since the totalizer can’t be removed with the meter and taken to the shop.
- Same meter is returned to the same site and can be traced to that wellsite. Also the meter is only out of service for a few hours, vs. a shop prove where it is out for a few days.
- Our units carry and inventory of parts and repair kits to fix most problems with one site visit.
Simplify your record keeping with pdf reporting standard!
Customers get automatic pdf reporting for all calibrations. Easyto track and keep for those audits!